Astro Bob blog update / Outside My Door

Astro Bob entries on the Duluth News Tribune website today (Oct. 9).

Before I share sky events I wanted to update you about the Astro Bob blog. I started writing it Feb. 2008 when I was a photographer and photo editor at the Duluth News Tribune. It became part of my daily work and contribution to the website. When I retired in 2018 I continued writing the blog as a freelancer for the newspaper, for which I'm grateful.

Recently, the blog was transferred to a new weblink where you can read the current entry and the full archive back to 2008. But there's a caveat. Not long ago, the newspaper website changed from free access to a paid subscription. Those of you who've tried to read the blog recently may have run into the "paywall." 

With a digital subscription you can read Astro Bob anytime you want. Without one, access is limited to three visits a month. For the time being you'll still be able to read the blog on Blogger, Facebook and Twitter for free, but that will come to an end soon. I'm a journalist at heart and fully understand and support paying for news especially when "hard copy" newspapers are on their way out. 

Of course, there's a downside.

I fear that the cost of a subscription for out-of-state readers whose key interest is reading the blog will mean I won't be able to share astronomy news as widely as previously. You're all friends, and I don't want to lose you, but this is the reality for now. I'd love it if everyone got a subscription ($100 / year) but completely understand if you feel you can't afford it. I will still post the link to the above social media sites, but if it's your 4th visit in a month you'll get a screen asking you to subscribe.

My Explore the Night blog on Sky & Telescope.

I also write a biweekly observing blog for Sky & Telescope's website with free access to current articles and the archives. You'll find many observing projects there especially if you use a telescope. 

An airplane contrail makes a bow below the moon on Oct. 9 over Duluth. Contrails are completely natural and form when water-laden exhaust from burning jet fuel condenses in the cold air at high altitude behind the plane. A similar thing happens every winter when you see your breath or "smoke" coming from tailpipes on a cold day. Bob King

Let's get out of the house now and see what's up. That's exactly what I did this morning. Intending on going for a short walk before breakfast I stopped instead in the front yard. Above the house a beautiful airplane contrail arced like a rainbow above the trees. I could tell by its drift it would pass in front of the last quarter moon, so I waited a couple minutes and witnessed a unique "occultation" of Earth's natural satellite by a band of wispy clouds. It lasted only seconds!

A contrail briefly occults the moon this morning. Bob King

A few minutes later, as I turned down the road, a colorful "comet" appeared low in the northeastern sky to the left of the sun. The truth is my comet was a sundog with a long, straight tail. Sundogs, also called parhelia, form in cirrostratus clouds that are so high they're made of ice crystals instead of water droplets. Sunlight refracted (bent) through plate-shaped, hexagonal ice crystals that hover in the air nearly parallel to the ground creates the bright ray. Red light is refracted less strongly, so it colors the sun-facing side, while blue tints the opposite end.

A comet-shaped sundog appears to the left of the sun earlier today. Bob King

As the parhelion faded, I walked back home and ate breakfast. Nature was as sweet as my shredded wheat. 


  1. Why will you no longer be able to post on FB and Twitter?

    1. Hi Bonni, strictly speaking I CAN post on Twitter and Facebook. But if you've read the blog three times in a month that link will take you to an unrelated page asking you to subscribe to the News Tribune.

    2. Bonni, I just updated the blog to reflect that I will still post the link.

  2. I’m currently on your Blogspot site, which doesn’t seem connected to the News Tribune. Will the posts continue to show up here on Blogspot?


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