A Taste of Celestial Winter in July
The dawn lunar crescent displays bright earthshine as it rises over Lake Superior near Duluth in July 2019. Earthshine is sunlight reflected from the Earth to the moon and then back to our eyes. Watch for a similar scene on Tuesday morning, July 6. Bob King It may be different where you live, but someone turned up the heat this month. The air feels like hot breath, but sweeter, filled with delicious scents of green plants, pine sap and flowers. You know it's summer when the Summer Triangle unfurls across the southeastern sky at nightfall, and Scorpius drags his tail along the horizon. This is the view facing east-northeast about 90 minutes before sunrise on Tuesday, July 6. The moon and Pleiades should be well visible without optical aid. The Hyades cluster may require binoculars for a good view because it's lower in the sky. Stellarium Most of us seek shade during the day. After the stress of sunlight departs at dusk, we slow our pace and open our senses to new sights and s...