Oct. 13 Dawn Celestial Trio / Why Do Some Stars Never Set?
Venus, the lunar crescent and Regulus join forces at dawn tomorrow morning (Oct. 13) in the eastern sky. Stellarium I love October. The sun rises late which means you can get up early. For many of us sunup occurs between 7 and 7:30, making it easier to see pretty happenings in the dawn sky. For instance, tomorrow morning (Oct. 13) the waning crescent moon will join 1st magnitude Regulus, Leo's brightest star, and brilliant Venus in the east to make an attractive sight. If you're up around 6 a.m. you'll see the trio in the growing light and may find it's just what you need to start the day. The moon is three days from new and will look like a bright rind edging the bottom of the darker, earth-lit disk. Direct sunlight illuminates the crescent; light reflected from the Earth dimly brightens the remainder. Venus is a tiny gibbous "moon" in a telescope this month. Stellarium As ever, Venus has a magnetic draw on the eyes, while dimmer Regulus completes...